Saturday, January 14, 2012

Initiators and Responders

So I was going to wait and see what response I got from my challenge at the end of my previous blog (yesterday) for people to name some of the qualities that have been attributed to either men or women. However I have very quickly lost patience waiting and thought I'd start myself.

Am I less feminine in consequence?

The polarity I want to explore is the oft rehearsed argument (if I may I think actually the word "statement" is more appropriate here I have not actually heard anything approaching an argument) that men are initiators and women are responders.

OK lets start with initiate which according to the Oxford on-line dictionary is:


Pronunciation: /ɪˈnɪʃɪeɪt/
[with object]
  • 1cause (a process or action) to begin:he proposes to initiate discussions on planning procedures
  • 2admit (someone) into a secret or obscure society or group, typically with a ritual:she had been formally initiated into the movement
  • (as plural noun the initiated) a small group of people who share obscure knowledge:
    • it’s a secret sign to the initiated
    • (initiate someone in/into) introduce someone to (a particular activity or skill, especially a difficult or obscure one):they were initiated into the mysteries of mathematics

I think I can safely assume that people are referring to the first meaning of the word initiate.

So do women 'cause to begin?'

On one level none of us cause to begin as there is 'nothing new under the sun' and He is the creator of everything and all good things come from Him and of His own do we give Him.

But perhaps in our image bearing we reflect that initiating ability, question is; which gender got that quality?

Deuteronomy 32:18 speaks of Israel not being mindful that God birthed them (surely that is causing to begin?). So God is happy to describe his own initiating activity using a female metaphor.

Please read Exodus 2 v1-4 who initiated?
Please read Judges 4v 4-7 who initiated?
Please read Ruth 3v 6-13 who initiated?
Please read Esther 4v 15-17 who initiated?

Shall we deduce from this that it is women who inherited this characteristic of God? After all biology also mirrors this since it is women who ovulate and therefore begin the reproductive cycle?

And as to men what evidence do we have that they are responders. Well the biology is clear since men become sexually aroused in response to the sexual appeal of women, do they not?

And we have the examples obviously of Barak, Boaz, Mordecai and King Ahasuerus from the above examples who all acted in response to a woman's action or instruction.

Then of course there are the examples of when people stepped out of their gender constructed roles, to disastrous effect, for example when Abram initiates the idea of Sarai pretending to be his sister (Genesis 12v10-20).

If you read this and find it offensive then you will have some insight into why I find it offensive to suggest that I cannot initiate because I do not have a penis.

To everyone else I apologise for the sarcastic tone. 

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