About this Blog

This blog is written by me, Jenny. I generally blog about Christianity or feminism, usually both, but sometimes about something else entirely.

My aim is to 'de-construct destructive constructs'. I came up with this phrase when at church we were asked to write on a peace of paper what gifts we could bring. It made a few people laugh. I like to spread mirth, but actually I was being completely serious.

By de-constructing I mean: taking apart and exposing
By destructive I mean: things that are harmful
By constructs I mean: Things that we are told are true, ideas that are hard to argue against because everyone assumes them to be true, stereotypes, coercive practices, excuses, idealised and inaccurate portrayals of what people should be, idols.

Sometimes I do this by bloging about articles or issues, sometimes by pondering on a bible passage and sometimes by writing stories. I write stories because they are a powerful way to challenge narratives that we are continually sold.

I also think that the bible has a vision of an egalitarian community and I want to learn what that looks like and how we search for it.

My hope in this is that in discourse we can become more free to be the people God calls us to be in Christ.
Please let me know your thoughts I am sure I've not got it all right yet and as the Word says Iron sharpens Iron.

Yours in Christ


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